Flora and Fauna

The landscape around the shelter is totally shortage of trees since these do not survive with the rigorous climate of high mountain. The forests we will find during the approach to the refuge if we come from Queralbs by the gorges of the Freser or from the refuge from Ras de Carançà, but when we exceed 1,800 m. Of altitude, the vegetation is reduced to pastures.
When the snow goes down and before the heat of summer does not arrive, the surroundings of the refuge are dressed in a multicolored carpet of beautiful beauty where we will find gencians, marcòlicos, pastorelles, etc. At the beginning of summer, the grass is green and abundant, but as the season advances, the sun is burning and changing color until it is yellow.
At the refuge of Coma de Vaca, you can enjoy watching many animal species. In May and June, without moving from the dining room, you can see to the other side of the window the groups of mufflers. From time to time you will see how two males compete for a female offering the spectacle of the bumps that occur with their cornered recesses. Throughout the year the isards are present throughout the territory. The agility with which they move is incredible.
If you are lucky you can see the silkworm pass silently. When you feel strong and sharp screams, look for your closet, and you will find the graceful marmots. When it's raining days and the environment becomes damp we can find the salamander with its spectacular yellow and black colors.
We find many birds (golden eagle, hawk, curves, sparrows, white partridges ...) but the kings of the area are the vultures. You will see many groups flying over the mountains in search of some dead animal. When they are on the floor we can see their spectacular sizes that sometimes reach about three meters wide. At Coma de Vaca you will be lucky enough to contemplate the mythical bearded vulture. You will distinguish it by its orange belly and if you are lucky, you can see it throw the bones from 50 or 100 meters to break them and eat them.
And of course, surely you will find a pastor keeping his herds of cows, horses or sheep. Take advantage to chat with these characters in the valleys.