
HIKING: It is the main activity of the area. The possibilities are very diverse since we can make crossings to other refuges of high mountains or to dedicate ourselves to climb summits of almost 3000 meters, between which we emphasize Puigmal, Torreneules, Balandrau, Infern, Bastiments ...
MOUNTAIN SKI: Mountain skiing is the best way to access the refuge of Coma de Vaca during the winter months. In general, it will be simple itineraries as long as the weather and snow conditions are favorable.
CLIMBING IN ROCA: In the vicinity of the refuge there is an interesting school of sports climbing with 20 to 100 meters. of height (50 equipped tracks and many possibilities to open more). The rock is granite and the difficulties range from 5 to 7b. All the tracks are equipped with parabolts.
ICE CLIMBING: The rigorous winter weather of High Freser causes many waterfalls to freeze, offering us the possibility of climbing on ice. In general, they are cascades of a single long and of variable difficulties. We can also climb ascents to different peaks following the route of corridors (Balandrau, Infern, Pic de la Vaca, ...).
CANYONING: We can make the descent of the Freser river from the shelter of Coma de Vaca to the center of Daió. Another classic descent is that of the Núria river.
RACKETS: The rackets offer us an easy and practical way to travel in winter conditions. The best access to the refuge of Coma de Vaca in winter conditions will be from the refuge of Ulldeter following the GR-11 • 7 or from Núria through the Coll del Torreneules. The accesses to the Freser gorges or the path of engineers are not advised in winter..